BEAN! The D2 RPG Second Edition by Jeff Freels is available at RPGNow: http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=89574
If you're a fan of the first edition, you'll love how Jeff has streamlined the rules without making any major changes, and his additions of mounted and ship-to-ship combat, skills, custom archetypes, and an expanded bestiary will thrill you!
If you're new to BEAN!, now is the right time to jump aboard because BEAN! is even better than ever. Simple, versatile, customizable, and as serious or silly as you like, BEAN! is really one game that does it all.
And, as always, the best part is you still get to toss your beans!
For more info about BEAN! The D2 RPG, check out the Fabled Worlds page here at TROLL HAMMER, and of course be sure to visit BEAN! creator Jeff Freels Jeffwerx site. Additionally, Jeff and I host a Fabled Worlds Yahoo Group featuring all things BEAN!, so swing on by and request a membership for news, announcements, freebies, and discussions about all of Jeff's Fabled Worlds games.
Be sure to check out Scott Malthouse's interview with Jeff Freels over at Trollish Delver!
I really need to check out Bean!